The teams have raised a combined $22,589.60 so far for the PMH Foundation, and CoolEarth.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Color Run done (Tick)

A great fun run, with paint powder. Jo (Wombat) Seabrook screamed off at the start, losing Neil (stopped for a wee). Jo shouted as she went off 'shouldnt be a problem picking each other out from the crowd at the finish line' - oh really....

The Start

The Finish

Short Video - Finish Line

The result
Great mornings exercise, followed by a massive Full English breakfast at our local eatery...perfect!!!

Friday, 15 February 2013


Well its upon us - the Color Run is tomorrow (Sunday 17th Feb). Jo (Wombat) Seabrook is all set to run, following up the rear (long way back) will be Neil (Backache) Seabrook. We are being joined now by Kylie Cardinal, as Jo Francois had to drop out.

Come on everyone, please get behind the intrepid trio and support the WombatsKhan team. Link on left side of the blog.

Adventurist Thoughts on Cars!!

As you might know the Mongol Rally has been going for 10 years. In that time we've had our fair share of weird & wonderful vehicles, with everything from the ridiculously crap to the ridiculously overqualified. This seems like an ideal opportunity to choose the ideal car to take on the might of the Mongol Rally, so we're looking for a bit of assistance from you to find us a champion.

If you are thinking of joining us on the Rally, what car would you bring and why? If you've already done the Rally; what car did you take, would you choose it again and what made you make that decision?

Folks often ask us what is the best car for the Rally, and we always tell them it depends what you want; if you want something reliable you should choose something Japanese or Korean, if you want something that will challenge your mechanical skills go with something French, if you want something true to the spirit of the Rally go for something under 1000cc, if you are a massive wuss it's probably best to take something 4x4 like a Daihatsu Terios. Today lets cast all the details aside, lets just work out what is the ultimate Mongol Rally car.

We like this firstly it's very small, secondly because despite being built by a Swiss watchmaker it doesn't quite run like clockwork. There have been a few of these over the last couple of years and the closest one got to the finish line was being unceremoniously carted there on the back of a truck.


The Nissan Micra, beloved of Ralliers perhaps more than any other car, the epitome of 'granny-mobile'. Proven to be reliable to the point of being boring, is that its only disadvantage?


This incarnation of the Suzuki Swift along with the K11 Micra and First Generation Fiat Panda made its last appearance on the 2012 Rally, now sadly falling foul of the 9 year old rule. But it will be fondly remembered as a Rally stalwart, another Japanese hero doing the Rally proud.

These boxy little beauties have a cult following in Italy and Italian Ralliers would consider little else, we had 26 of them on the 2012 Rally alone, is there anything that has done more Mongol Rally miles?

If you are a massive wuss this is the Rally car for you, not only does it have 4x4 but it even looks like a normal car. Only recommended for people with inflatable girlfriends.



This is a really fucking stupid vehicle to take to the Rally in. You would have to be batshit crazy to take one of these on the Rally, which likely makes it the perfect Rally car. British engineering at its most bonkers.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

WombatsKhan have a car

Our Nissan Micra 1.2 has arrived. Many many thanks to Graham Godley-McAvoy for his hard work in securing the car. Graham even had the car serviced for to modify it.......

Friday, 8 February 2013


Join Ian and Neil…. team members of KANGAKHAAN and WombatsKhan in a quiz night proudly supporting the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation.  

The Adventurist organization has committed more than GBP 4 million supporting various charities over 10 years.
Check out our 'Supporters' tab (right of blog) for information on which organisations and individuals are helping us out with this event.....

Please join us in an enjoyable night.

Bring along Snacks, Cash for raffle tickets/ games  and drinks at the bar. Great prices to be won!!

And for those feeling peckish …. a sausage sizzle to your liking by a well renowned expert BBQ specialist.

An indulgence fee of $2 is required. 

Your commitment ….. $10 admission per person.

Commencing at 7pm March 9th. at Karratha RSL.

Contact: Ian ….. 0488071011    Neil ….. 0409118544

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Needles needles needles

So far Jo and Neil have had 9 needles, with 7 more before we set off to Europe....not that our doctor is a little paranoid or anything, but you can never be too careful, apparently. Sore arms, and inflamed Visa card later....

Jo (Wombat) has also signed us up for the Gallipoli run - another charity run/jog/walk/crawl to get us fit for the rally....Perth April 21st.

Friday, 1 February 2013


Two weeks now until my wife (Wombat) takes on the Perth Color Run. Lots of training undertaken in preparation for her first 'run' in many years. Still time to sponsor her, please use the WombatsKhan link on the left of the blog.

Many thanks in advance - Team WombatsKhan

Team Update 1st Feb 2013

Only 161 days to go…

What have we been doing since the last update? Well Ian has been organising the next Quiz Night in Karratha (WA) which will take place on the 9th of March – more on this as things firm up.

We are undergoing visits to the doctors to get our inoculations up to date, way too many needles…

Our car guru Graham has been offered a couple of Nissan Micra’s in our price range, but not quite to the spec we want, so he is busy hunting down the right car.

We continue our quest to find sponsorship for the Rally. Not easy when Companies are doing well, let alone when whole countries are in depression, which almost rules out finding Sponsorship from the UK, so we concentrate our efforts on the Australian Market.


·         Aviation Network Associates

·         Porsham Cakes (now have a website, please visit and see just how great Tanya’s cakes are)



Some numbers on the rally:

Ladies make up 17.2% of team members on the Rally.

28 different countries are represented including Mexico, Bahrain and Singapore.

UK, USA & Australia being the largest three nationalities

67 is the age of the oldest London to Mongolia Rallier
Ralliers over 50 = 16
Ralliers 40-49 =    25
Ralliers 35-39 =    25
Ralliers 30-34 =    78
Ralliers 25-29 =    115
Ralliers 20-24 =   135
Ralliers under 20 = 24

Goes to show that for most people with age you gain more common sense, and a healthy respect for ‘safety’...


And finally, we have sold 3438 chocolates – most going to the Perth Office….