The teams have raised a combined $22,589.60 so far for the PMH Foundation, and CoolEarth.

Monday, 29 July 2013


The longest we have stayed in the car, over 30 hours. We got caught up in the mother of all storms after leaving the border, so decided to pull over into a farm field and pitch tents for the night. The field was knee deep in mud, and the mossie situation was a joke, so we abandoned the camping idea, and agian decided our only options was to drive on. Both cars left the field caked in thick black mud, which made the first few hundred metres back on the road interesting.

Team Kangakhann then lost their exhaust, it snapped. We pulled into a closed truck stop to undertake some repairs (fencing wire.....) then carried on. Must say Ian's car sounds a lot better with a blowing exhaust pipe..

The storm then hit us, with fork and sheet lighening all round, which helped us see the road a bit i guess. WombatsKhan hit a couple of large holes testing the bash plate and our nerves. We carried on slowly for another few miles then decided thats was it. We found a truck stop, and made this our home from home. Both teams sleeping in the cars, upright - we slept surprisingly well.

We awake and set off around 8am on the 28th and head off, expecting to take two days to drive to Astana.

For lunch we pull over and make a sandwich and watch all the trucks go by, the very trucks we had spent ages overtaking before pulling over......In the late afternoon we pull over at what looks like a ramp for repairing trucks and cars, deciding to put both machines onto the ramp for a quick look underneath.

On the horizion we watch a heardsman tend his cows from horseback. It is a stunning place, hard but beautiful. The horizon goes on forever and the sky is black, blue and white with 'The Simpsons' clouds.

The heardsman slowly heads our way, after he sees Ian and Neil racing the cars back and forth through a large puddle to try and clean the mud off (thats what we said anyway). Finally the heardsman walks over and offers us a ride on his horse. Jo sort have gets pushed forward by the 3 of us, and the local chap picks her up and throws her on the horse. Many photo's later, and an offer of two cows for Jo we get her back...

The heardsman was purely interested in what we were doing, he didnt want anything from us. He spoke Kazak expecting us to understand. Again sign language got us through. He left we a single cigerate that we offerred.

The drive to Astana ends in the evening of the 28th July, the very day we made the hotel booking. Planning or just good luck - who knows.

I'm off now to see how Ian got on with the car repairs, we will then sample the local food and wine. Or next leg is across Kazakhstan to the Russian border, we expect this to take 3 or 4 days.


Russia / Kazakhstan Update

First stop was the 'supermarket' to pick up some supplies before crossing the border into Kazakhstan. We then drove the 100+ miles to the border and joined the queue, not really knowing what was going to happen, it was Sunday and late afternoon.

After what seemed like hours we moved to the Russian border, and just before going over a lady grabed the drivers (Neil and Ian) to take out car insurance for Kazakhstan (a scam i'm sure). Anyway we sat in a little hut and did the deal. Meantime however, both our cars moved up to the front of the queue, and Jo and Ruby got waved through, without the chaps. Next thing we see is Jo reversing the WombatsKhan car back over the border line, she didnt have a passport, Neil had them both. Jo was told to join the back of the queue, this now being at least 50 cars long.

After some classic driving and blocking Jo and Neil manage to get car across the car and truck lanes, ensuring we would be called forward first, and not have to go to the back of the queue again. It paid off as the nice Russian guard felt sorry for the Wombat team, and let us through, now some 10 cars behind team Kangakhann.

After a great deal of smiling and nodding we get past the Russian border formalites and join the next queue to cross into Kazakhstan.

Another 2 hours and we get called forward. The Kazakhstan border staff are very nice compared to the Russian side, however they speak little english, we get by with sign language.

Customs search the car, and we wave the big Wombat in their direction and behave like idiots, they get bored and wave us through.

After our first 10kms in Kazakhstan we both get pulled over by the police, more from an interest side of thing we think. They asked us what we were doing and where we were going, 'tourist' and going to 'Mongolia' seemd to work and they waved their AK-47's at us in a 'nice' way......

Friday, 26 July 2013

Russia Blog 3

Quick update before we head to the Kazakhstan border. After saying we'd never drive at night we had little option yesterday, we got half way through the Ural mountains we hit the traffic and had a choice of sleeping in the car, or carrying on. The owner of a truck stop offerred us space in the truck park for $100 a car, to sleep in, he was drinking Vodka and didnt seem very friendly, so we took to the road again. The trucks were really bad, overtaking us on the down hill bits, very frightening for us all.

The Ural's are beautiful, rolling hills with vaste forests of pine and what looked like silver bearch. Birds of prey, wild dogs about all the wildlife we saw. And we cannot forget the cows strolling along the road side, yes this was the main road......

We thought we'd see much more sign of the great Russian Military, but we actually saw very little, a few old tanks (WWII vintage) outside the bigger towns, and second hand gear being used on the farms. Most vehicles are imported now, there are a few Lada's around, but they look outdated and tired. Lots of Land Rovers and BMW's.

We witnessed two or three semi trucks on fire or had been on fire, brakes or engines overheating.

We arrive on the border after a hair raising 600 odd mile (1000kms) drive, over 14 hours. Both of us over the car. We still haven't falling out, and the car keeps going, albeit a little dirty now from the diesel fumes..

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Russia blog update 2

A day best described as 'please pass me some clean underwear day'. Jo drove the Micra on some of the most challenging roads to date. Hundreds of trucks transporting everything from Walls ice cream to new Range Rovers ruled the roads in both directions, we saw a number of vehicle casualties on the side of the road. Truly is the land of Mad Max, we have never seen anything like it.

Ended up just outside Moscow in a small town with no english speakers, so ended up in a bar with a load of youngsters who eventually understood our mime for a bed and food, they the drove in front of us and guided us to a nice hotel in Klin. A quick meal next door and bed by 11.50pm.

Long day, but interesting....

Monday, 22 July 2013

Russia Blog Update 1

Both teams made it across the Russian border yesterday afternoon, and finally met up as planned in St Petersburg at the Grand Hotel Europe. The border crossing was 'interesting' for team WombatsKhan, nobody spoke any English and so we held up the queue, until a very nice man came to our aid and translated for us, the guards had a tertiary look inside the car, stamped a load of paperwork, and then pointed us to the road, we were in, the whole process taking just over two hours.

Apparently the road from the Finland borader to St Petersburg is one of the best in Russia, if that is indeed the case we are in trouble, it was dreadful, think half dirt road and you are close, oh and the holes, big enough to cause some serious damage to the wombat (car). The Russian drivers are best described as 'eager', insomuch as they seem eager to leave this life and enter the next. When you are planning to overtake a truck you aim for the best part of the road first, then prepare for a Russian to then overtake you at the same time, so three abreast overtaking, certainly not for the faint hearted, or those driving an overweight under powered Micra. Neil now has considerably more grey in his beard this morning.

We opted for a rest in St Petersburg when we planned the rally, and what a great decision that was, an absolutely fantastic city, vibrant, buzing with Russian and Eurpean opulance and so much history you just cannot take it all in. Not a concrete wall in site, just massive cuts of granite and other expensive stone. The old city justifies a week alone to fully explore its wide streets and hidden wonders, we will come back here.

Our first real rain today (22nd) and its poured down, but that hasn't taken anything away from our time in St Petersburg.

We are having issues uploading photo's to the blog for some technical reason beyond Neil and Jo. We will keep trying.

Both teams set off tomorrow for the outskirts of Moscow, a drive at I'm sure will bring a few white knuckle moments....
Grand Hotel Europe St Petersburg

Winter Palace St Petersburg

Friday, 19 July 2013

19th July

Finland has been a surprise for us, beautiful countryside, with next to nobody in it. We have seen Moose (elk), Reindeer and today after a trek through the woods almost to the Russian border we saw up close brown bears. The wide life is tough, like the environment, no little birds and soft cuddly animals....

The sun does drop to just below the horizon at around 10pm, but the night doesn't come, so you feel like you can drive all through the night, but fatigue creeps up on you.... We found accommodation last night beside a large lake, a log cabin for two, including a sauna. We made use of the lake (bloody cold) and then the sauna (bloody hot). But both of us struggled to get a good sleep, due to it being light all night.

We are now close to the end of the European chapter of the rally, our final day tomorrow before crossing the border into Russia, and hopefully meeting up with team Kangakhann in St Petersburg.

Albino Reindeer

Not easy to capture on camera, a Brown Bear

Finland meets Russia

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

16 / 17th July

500 plus miles a day for three days finds WombatsKhan in Umea, North Sweden. We left Kangakhann this morning as they headed off to catch a ferry across the Baltic, we headed North toward Finland.

Last night we arrived at our pre booked B&B only to cut and run following a quick inspection of the accommodation, pretty bad to say the least, with a dark cellar (looked like fresh concrete in the floor, something recently buried, maybe) and suspect sheets and mold on most surfaces. Photo's on line must have been taken a 'few' decades ago. We decided to ask directions to a more suitable place at the local garage, only to discover the owner was related to the B&B operator in some way, and recommended the place we had just run away from. So we eventually found a camp site by a lake, and slept like the dead.

Morning after our first 'camp'

After waving off Kangakhann, team WombatsKhan then covered the 500 miles to Umea in North Sweden. We passed some glorious sights, huge pine forests, unending lakes and rolling green hills, but we saw no Elk, Bear or Blond Nordic.....

A good hotel bed for Wednesday night, before we venture into Finland. It's 11.20pm and daylight as we type this blog, but that won't stop us sleeeeeeping........

Monday, 15 July 2013

German Drivers

Started the morning in Holland then into Germany and onto our first Autobhan, OMG.......getting into the fast lane in a overloaded Micra with local traveling up behind you with lights on at over 200km/h made up for the lack of sleep the night before, heart rate into triple figures for most of the day. Eventually crossed border into Denmark and welcomed by some very considerate drivers. They even have smiley faces at road works to keep you occupied.

Long day on motorways, hot and a little boring, only broken up by many fuel stops and white knuckle moments.

500 miles (800kms) covered. Car still good. We still have sense of humour, and looking forward to another very long run tomorrow. We plan to split up from team Kangakhann tomorrow night, leaving them to take ferry to Estonia and us to head further north.

Did anyone know the Dutch and Danes charge for tap water?

German Servo

Sunday, 14 July 2013

13 / 14th July

Made the drive up to the Start of the rally, some 300 miles from Devon, a hot long drive in a packed out Micra. A night at Bodiam Castle in East Sussex with medieval music and sword fighting, drinking mead and exploring the castle, before listening to Russian music and eating some dodgy burgers we hit the tent for the first time.

We are joined by Neil's son and girlfriend then later by his mum and step dad to wave us off. The rally starts with a medieval joust between two knights, one on a horse one on a car, it didn't end well. With much fanfare and blowing of horns we set off on our 10,000 mile adventure making the car train mid afternoon.and board the train.

An hour later we are into mainland Europe and we drive quickly through France and into Belgium, struggling with refuelling the cars at a self help pump, and finally arrive at our B&B just inside Holland, at an old converted farm house in Leissel. A welcome beer from our hosts, and a meal in the nearby town brings the day to a close. We are tired, happy and the car is running well.

The English 'Start', around 150 cars

Somebody had to dress up

First Night Stop in Holland

Friday, 12 July 2013

Nearly off!

Well with less than 24 hrs before we collect our registration to start the rally, the last minute mechanical parts are being fitted to the wombatskhan vehicle.
We have had a pretty intense week of preparation with Jo only leaving me for one day for a quick soirĂ©e into Wales!! The weather  has been unseasonably hot and we have suffered while working on the cars and practicing putting up the tent....we packed so many clothes for cold weather!!
We had some fairly extensive reinforcing for the cars done at Aldermans engineering in Plymouth ( photos attached), those guys were amazing working out in the heat.....yes Plymouth was having its hottest summer day! Their hard work ensured that we have some roll over protection, roof rack & bash plate which will hopefully see us arrive safely in Mongolia.  guys you are legends!!
We were also able to meet Graham from Motomotive who had very kindly not only sourced the teams cars but ensured all the necessary MOT work and paperwork was complete.  We were a little tempted to swap our cars for some of the beauties in his fore court, for some reason he wasn't so keen!!
We became radio stars for a very short 10 minutes for ABC radio in Perth, with Eoin Cameron interviewing us on the phone, all for a good cause for the PMH Foundation.
We set off in convoy with Kangakhann to Bodiam Castle in Sussex for the start on Saturday morning.

Many many thanks to Aldermans, Larry & Sue, Tanya & Will, and all that have fed and wined us...including the Barnes family!


Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Getting Ready (Team WombatsKhan)

A real family effort to get the car stickers on, a mornings work well done. Spaces left on doors for the official rally logo's....

Friday, 5 July 2013

Team Update

Final blog update from Australia. Team WombatsKhan set off to the UK tomorrow, and Team Kangakhann set off Sunday. Really bad photo of WombatsKhan taken during a rest period from Sunday Times photo's....We are not media stars....

As we depart Australia we leave knowing we have raised over $22,500.00 to date for Coolearth and the PMH Foundation. Thank you everybody for being so generous..