The teams have raised a combined $22,589.60 so far for the PMH Foundation, and CoolEarth.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Team Update

With less than 6 weeks to go before we depart Australia both Teams are well into the final preparations for the rally, panic hasn’t set in just yet…

The cars will shortly be moved up to Neil’s parents place in the Dartmoor National Park so Mr Seabrook (Larry - Dad) can help prep the cars in advance of our arrival in July. Larry is busy hunting down deals on tyres and spare wheels and trying to keep our overheads down.

Jo and Neil (WombatsKhan) are planning an ‘Open House’ Curry Night for the 29th June for all of our wonderful Perth based supporters.  We will have the help of Jo’s parents Lindsay and Brad so the food will be top notch (no pressure Brad!!). More details to follow in next few days.

The final needles for Team WombatsKhan are due next week, these are the 3 Rabies jabs, which sound like fun. The Team are also getting trained on how to put in intravenous drips, to add to their first aid training.

Another ‘fun’ Run

WombatsKhan are taking part in the HBF Run for a Reason this Sunday (26th). Another attempt to keep fit in preparation for 10 hour days in the car. Our aim is to beat our time from the last charity run. Feel free to support us and make a donation to the PMH please.


Returning home from a weekend away (to celebrate Neil’s birthday) team WombatsKhan were met by fifty (yes 50) garden gnomes staring in through the patio windows. We assume they didn’t all decide to abandon their garden ponds, fishing rods and march across Perth and meet up in our back yard. In fact it was the Bristow Perth Office (led by Annette – ‘thanks’) who planted them there, thinking they made a fitting present for Neil’s 25th Birthday…….now that we have stopped laughing and coached the cat back into the house (she ran away from the little plaster cast army), who can come up with a use for 50 gnomes??? Be nice…
         Plaster cast Army of Perth

Charity Update

We are still some way off making $25,000 for our charities, so we need you to dig deep please and support the Teams efforts in reaching our goal. Remember, Neil will dress up at each border crossing if we make $22,000 before the 13th July – Start date of Rally. See what he will dress up as in earlier blogs.


288 Teams from all over the world have now signed up for this year’s event, the tenth annual Adventurist London to Mongolia Rally. The Adventurist have just advised that the top 10 teams (who make the most money for their charities) will be entered into a draw to win a prize (more on that later). At this time we (WombatsKhan and Kangakhann) are running around 3rd place – pretty good effort, but we can do better and we are sure we can beat the other 286 teams….with your help we can do it.

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