The teams have raised a combined $22,589.60 so far for the PMH Foundation, and CoolEarth.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Team Update

We have 3 weeks now until we land in the UK and enter the final week of preparation prior to driving to Dover Castle for the rally start on the 13th July. Both teams are still awaiting on the final few visas to come in, hopefully this week will see our passports safely back in our hands. 

Jo and Neil (WombatsKhan) are undertaking further first aid training, including stitching a wound, and putting in a drip. Any volunteers out there with good veins, we need practise!!! Our first aid kit will take up half the car, but at least we are prepared!!!!! 

We have received a little more information on plans for the rally start in Dover. On the Saturday night all the teams arrive at Dover Castle and complete the final registration paperwork, then set up camp in a nearby field. Saturday night there is a 'black tie' ball for the teams, and guests at the castle. At mid day Sunday the 14th July we cross the start line to the sound of cannon fire from the castle battlements. Both teams then head inland a little and board the car train that takes us under the channel and into France. We then navigate our way through France, Belgium and into the Netherlands where we stop for our first night of the rally. 

Our plan is for both teams to remain together for the following couple of days, then Jo and Neil (WombatsKhan) and Ian and Ruby (Kangakhann) go off separately. We then meet up in Russia a week or so later. That's the plan anyway. 

Ian and Ruby are taking a high tech approach to navigation with GPS assistance. Jo and Neil are using maps and a compass. We will see who has the most entertainment along the way..

As we get closer to the rally start we will be able to let you know how you can follow the cars on a map. Basically each team is given an telephone number to text to each day, this SMS message updates the tracking software on a map, and those watching our progress can see where we are, updated every 24 hours..

We also plan to update the blog whenever we see an Internet cafe along the way. This might mean limited updates whilst we drive through remote areas, such as the Gobi desert. 

When we get to Mongolia the cars are handed to the Adventurist organisation who arrange for repairs to be carried out, stickers to be removed ready for the cars to be sold. The cars are then put up for auction, and hopefully sold. All money raised from the car sales goes to a Mongolian charity. 

As teams will be travelling out of Mongolia following the rally they will be reducing the amount of gear they need to take So the Adventurist do the same with camping gear, tooling and car spares, and sell it all off, profits again going to a local Mongolian charity.  

Jo and Neil expect to have approximately 160 to 200 kg of equipment in and on the car, we only have a total baggage allowance of 40kg for our flights out of China, so we will be leaving a lot behind us.

Thanks for reading, and many thanks for your donations to date.



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